Catholicos Aram I leaves RI Armenian community renewed and inspired

PROVIDENCE, R.I.—The Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church community was energized and mobilized in anticipation of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I’s recent pontifical visit to Providence. The organizing committee prepared for months to ensure that everything would be in perfect order for his arrival and to show His Holiness how much it meant to the community that he began his tour of eastern region parishes in Rhode Island. By all accounts, the four-day visit fulfilled all expectations.

His Holiness was accompanied throughout his visit by H.E. Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khatcherian, Very Rev. Fr. Hovagim Panjarjian, director of the Information and Communication Department and Very Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aprahamian, officer of the Middle Eastern section of the Ecumenical and Inter-religious Relations Department, as well as the chairman of the Prelacy Executive Council Col. Aram Sarafian.

Spiritual leadership

Over the course of the weekend, the church was filled with the faithful for two services celebrated by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I.
Friday night, October 4, began with His Holiness’ arrival by police escort to the church, located on Broadway in Providence. Community members lined the sidewalk in front of the church and gathered inside the sanctuary awaiting his arrival. The buzz grew as everyone excitedly milled about until Catholicos Aram I arrived amid lights and sirens, a drone above to capture the moment, and a throng of faithful eager to catch the first glimpse. Joy was evident on everyone’s faces as His Holiness and his pontifical delegation were met by church pastor, Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian. Cousins Leila and Sareen Khatchadourian, dressed in traditional Armenian attire, presented His Holiness with the traditional bread and salt for the welcoming hrashapar ceremony. The bread was a work of art, presented in the form of a cross.
Catholicos Aram I ceremoniously released white doves outside the church prior to the procession toward the sanctuary. Jasper Bedrosian, Kenneth Bogosian, Aram Madoian and Michael Toumasian served as canopy bearers for His Holiness and escorted him into the church.
Following welcoming remarks from Archbishop Tanielian, His Holiness offered his first message to the congregation, centered on the church and community, the essence of which was reinforced throughout his visit. “You are a community, and that community is the church…a special community, the community of faith, and Jesus Christ is at the center and is the sustaining power of the church,” His Holiness said. “Being Christian implies participating in community life…The church has a mission. The archbishop, the pastor, all the committees and organizations are committed to one mission: taking the church to the people.” The evening concluded with achahampouyr, when community members greeted His Holiness and received his blessings.
Sunday featured the highly-anticipated pontifical divine liturgy, which was the first in the church’s 84-year history. His Holiness was assisted by Archbishop Tanielian and Archbishop Khatcherian and entered the church surrounded by his pontifical delegation and many members of the clergy from across New England. The church was filled with the faithful who had traveled from surrounding states for this historic service.
The sounds of the choir, led by director Debra Pjojian and organist Raffi Rachdouni, filled the church as His Holiness celebrated badarak. Many of those in attendance expressed how uplifted they felt after the service and how meaningful it was to have Catholicos celebrate a pontifical divine liturgy in Sts. Vartanantz Church for the very first time.

During his sermon, His Holiness centered his message on the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Emphasizing that God is the creator and sustainer of life and that life is a gift from God, Catholicos said, “This is the core of the Christian faith.” He went on to say that we must live our lives in faithful obedience to God. “We must renew our life having Jesus Christ as the center and source of life — the purpose, the meaning of our life,” His Holiness said.

Click HERE to read the full article on the website of The Armenian Weekly.

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