On March 2nd, the Sts. Vartananz Armenian Apostolic Church of Providence, RI, joyfully celebrated its name day under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian. The church was filled with our faithful parishioners as Srpazan Anoushavan Tanielian celebrated the Soorp Badarak and ordained Aram Attarian and Daron Tarbinian to the rank of Acolyte.
Following their ordination, Srpazan Anoushavan provided an inspirational message to the parishioners about the value of sacrifice. He referred to Jesus being the ultimate sacrifice and we in turn must sacrifice our time and serve our fellow parishioners as we follow Jesus’ example. We were created in the image of God because God wanted us to be like him, and the only one who walked in the path that His Father set for Him was Jesus, teaching us that nothing is impossible if we follow the road God has set out for us. St. Vartan’s sacrifice was an example to all, that as children of God, nothing can separate us from our Father, not sword nor death. It is our obligation to hold ourselves accountable to our church, Sts. Vartanantz, and to continue the work that God has provided to Saint Vartan.
Following Badarak, a celebratory banquet for Vartanantz Day was held in Aramian Auditorium where His Eminence was greeted by the Homenetmen scouts in full salute. Welcoming remarks were provided by Board chairman Levon Attarian, who also served as emcee for the afternoon.
After the invocation by His Eminence Anoushavan Tanielian, the students of the Mourad Armenian Saturday School sang the national anthem and two songs dedicated to the Battle of Avarayr, under the direction of music teacher Mr. Raffi Rachdouni.
After dinner, the Salt and Light Youth Ministry group, along with the Sunday School graduating class presented “The Importance of Vartanantz Day”. During their presentation they talked about the historical importance of the Battle of Vartanantz and its impact on our lives as Armenian Christians, particularly for Armenian teens
Keeping in line with His Holiness, Vehapar Aram I, proclaiming 2025 as “The Year of the Revitalization of Traditions”, Der Kapriel and the Board of Trustees selected Noreen Melikian LaFazia and Archdeacon Mark Norigian as the honorees for this year. Noreen is truly a pillar in our community. She is currently the chairwoman of the Ladies Guild and is a member of the Armenian Relief Society. Noreen is one of our hardest workers, if not the hardest worker in our community, but always has a smile on her face. She runs the kitchen like no other and when our Food Fest season arrives, she is a staple in that kitchen both day and night for months. Her mother was a big influence on her and instilled in her the traditions of this church, especially with the food she used to prepare in our church kitchen. In Noreen’s own words, she had “lost it all”, however the reason she came back to church is so that she can give to others. She has taught all how to love this church unconditionally and you can hear her always say “I do this from my heart for the church”, which is fueled by the power of the love that is inside her heart.
Archdeacon Mark Norigian, another pillar of this community, is married to his wonderful wife Melissa and they have a son, Ryder. Mark has served on the altar for over 40 years and has dedicated his life to his church and community. You never hear the word “No” from Mark when asked to work at any of the events for the church. He was a member of the Armenian Youth Federation and Homenetmen. Mark has been a mentor to many who have served on the altar. His motivation is his faith and it is evident when he is on the altar, in conversation with him, and how he carries himself in our community. He has passed along his love and faith for our church to his son Ryder, who also serves the altar.
Der Kapriel Nazarian provided his remarks, congratulating Aram and Daron for their dedication in serving our church and praising Noreen and Mark for their work, dedication, and sacrifice to their community. The Honorable, Senator David Tikoian expressed his appreciation to both awardees and the inspiration they provide to the community. Srpazan Anoushavan Tanielian provided the closing remarks and blessed all those in attendance. To conclude the afternoon, all in attendance sang Giligia.
Der Hayr and the Board of Trustees congratulate Aram Attarian and Daron Tarbinian upon their ordination as Acolytes, and our honorees Noreen LaFazia and Archdeacon Mark Norigian, and all their respective families. Special thanks to both the Ladies’ Guild and the Men’s Club for serving a delicious dinner for all. We thank Mr. Edmund Nasr for the beautiful pictures, Mrs. Maro Nasr for donating the bread and the Restikian family for donating the dessert. We look forward to continuing seeing everyone in church and at all our upcoming events this year.
(Photo credits: Edmund Nasr)