Event Timing: May 17-20, 2023 for clergy delegates or May 18-20, 2023 for lay delegates
Event Address: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 801 Greenwich Ave, Warwick, RI 02886
Participant registration deadline: April 5, 2023
Hotel Reservations
Crowne Plaza Hotel
801 Greenwich Avenue
Warwick, RI 02886
Hotel Room Rate: $154 + tax per day for single king or double queen room
Hotel Reservation Cut-off Date: April 17, 2023 when the group rate expires
Direct link to Crowne Plaza guest room reservations: 2023 NRA guest room reservations
Reserve by phone: (401) 732-6000 or email: groupreservations@crownehotelwarwick.com
Use Group Code: ACC (Armenian Church Convention)
NRA Conference Cost
Includes: Convention materials, all breakfasts & lunches, coffee breaks, dinner on Thursday night, and NRA banquet on Friday evening.
Total Conference Cost: Registration Fee – $425
Please make checks payable to:
Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
402 Broadway
Providence, RI 02909
402 Broadway
Providence, RI 02909
If you prefer to pay electronically, please Venmo to @StsVartanantz-Church-Prov
NOTE: Registration is not completed until payment is received in full. All registrations must be pre-paid.
Contact us at (401) 282-0459 or email to Paula Burke